What's wrong with this picture?

That's right, this knitting is not pink.
The post's title is not completely without warrant because this knitting is quite pink.

The ball of pink yarn came to me from Andrea over at
Mellow Trouble when she sent me the yarn for the
SYNO scarf swap. The yarn, Rowan Summer Tweed has a very crunchy hand that is startling but not unpleasant to knit with. I thought about doing an entire scarf swatch, but realized that I was not anywhere close to making gauge and therefore could not possibly get an entire scarf out that single ball of yarn. Therefore it's a swatch and will be ripped back out at some point in the near future.
The white at the top is the Martian Mountain Cow from earlier
posts. Since that is how it looks knit on size 8 (5 mm) needles, I'm willing to concede that I failed to spin fingering weight yarn. At this point I think the yarn is roughly dk or sport weight. Bother. Actually, a Big Bother. I was planning on knitting another
Leaf Lace Shawl out of it, but discovered after knitting a significant portion yarn that there was just no way that it would get large enough to make me happy. I didn't even think to take a picture of it before I pulled it back out. Bother.
But life moves on. I'm enjoying
Branching Out much more than I thought I would. I've made one minor pattern modification. Where the pattern suggests making a left leaning double decrease by sl-k2tog-psso, I'm doing a sl3-k3togtbl as suggested by
Eunny instead. Her
Majoring In Lace series has been fabulous reading and is increasing my understanding of what's going on while lace is being knit by leaps and bounds.
I have
delusions images of making a branching out stole by mirroring the lace pattern on itself and winding up with something that looks more like an arbor full of leaves. Just not for this project. I have a lovely skein of green silky wool that I think would be perfect for that stole. Though I suppose if it is actually to be a stole I'll need more than one ball of yarn.