Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Busy Bee

I've been busy during classes this year:

So far completed are a number of scarves.

Webs Crocus Shawl worked in Brooks Farm Yarns, I'm not sure which one. It's a lovely blue and there are 50gm of the yarn left, so I'm thinking I can get wristies out of the remainder.

The Noro Sock yarn scarf from the fall Interweave Crochet. The covered ring fringe is a little annoying to work, but so much fun to play with. This one will be a Christmas gift to someone, I'm just not sure who.

And I'm 4 balls of Plymouth Boku into a granny-square baby blanket. Apparently I don't want to give away the green Encore one until I've made a replacement for my stash of baby gifts. How odd.

And, since I've not blogged in forever, here's the rest of the finished projects I can think of from this year:

Last spring, right after I shaved my head, I finished up a simple cowl in a super-bulky white yarn that I think had Blizzard in its name. It was from a Secret Pal exchange, originally tried to be the croched edging scarf from One Skein, but there just wasn't enough yardage.

Before that I worked up a (one, two?) skeins of Auracania in a beautiful red into a travelling rib cowl of my own "design". I'm really not sure that you can call picking a stitch pattern that works over the relevant number of stitches designing. It went to my sister for her birthday. Ideally I'll get a picture of her in it.

Early last summer, I finished a pair of mitts in a vibrant green sock yarn. That pattern was from Knitting New Mittens. The sideways garter is so easy, and they're surprisingly fun to work for such mindless knitting.

Projects in progress that are worthy of note:

I'm still working on the Cobblestone pullover for Tcepsa. We're still getting married next August. That's definitely a project in progress. Planning a wedding is scary stuff. I'm horrified that I'll forget something important.

Anyways, that's enough rambling for now, especially since I sincerely doubt there's anyone still following this. Though bloglines is a wonderful thing, so there may be an audience out there... hi!


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