Icarus - begun/abandoned for now
Today's knitting (before I was reminded of the SockWars' existence) was starting Icarus out of Alchemy's Haiku in the color Silver. It's a beautiful almost solid shiny grey and the striping pattern is lovely. I'm definitely going to go back and finish this one after the SockWars is finished.

Interestingly each repeat of the pattern took me one two-hour class. On the next row I'll add another set of columns, so I'm mostly done with the pattern repeat.
I can't believe that this pace will continue as the shawl gets wider, but it's fun for now. I suppose I could calculate out how many more hours I have to go before I get to start the border, but I'd really rather not. It seems overwhelming enough without going into such detail especially since it's bound to be a gross underestimate.
However, if I get bored in class and want to push some numbers around, I may just decide to do it anyways.