Baby Blanket
As a result of some misguided project selection many years ago (yes, I did actually think I was going to crochet the sampler afghan from this book), I have a huge stash of Plymouth Encore in blue, green, red (all approximately the same value) and a pale varegaited mostly white-ish grey
While I do not generally enjoy working with this yarn, I do believe it has its uses. It is, for example machine washable and fairly warm. This makes it wonderful for knitting hats for charity, and baby blankets.
About 3 weeks ago I got a bee in my bonnet to start a baby blanket with no clear idea who it would be for. Many of my friends are procreating this year, so I had lots of choices. However today I discovered precisely who the recipient would be. The pregnancy was started right about the time I decided to start the blanket. I've been told this makes it my fault!
At any rate, here's the blanket:

Pattern: Big Bad Baby Blanket
Source: Debbie Stoller's Stitch 'N Bitch
Yarn: Plymouth Encore
I'm not sure how well it shows in the picture, but about 10 rows back, roughly where the needle is pointing (the needle that's pointing up, that is), I got a row of the border reversed. I'll be pulling the border back to see if I can fix it without needing to pull the entire width of the blanket. Here's hoping it goes well since I really don't want to have to rip that much of the blanket.
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