Monday, August 28, 2006

Poinsettia - so close, and yet so unmotivated...

I'm so close to done with Poinsettia that, of course, I've rather run out of steam.
I changed the hem of the sleeves to seed stitch and it seems to take forever to do that portion. Add to that the nervousness that I get when trying to figure out what I did to shape the first sleeve so that I can do it again for the second one and we have a bethieee that's not particularly interested in working on that project.

So I'm amusing myself by working on other things.

Including a second Fetching Baby Hat (it uses the cable and rib motif from Knitty's Fetching) and a decrease system on the crown that worked much better than I thought it would. So I'm going to write it up as a free pattern. If anyone things that's not quite right for copyright reasons I'd appreciate it if this were taken as an invitation to discussion.


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