Knitting Olympics - VII
And here are updates on all of the Olympics competitions entered by residents of the Bedside Manor (otherwise known as my housemates).
First up, the cuteness competition:

The puppy is constantly working on his cuteness scores. On the evening in question, he set a new record. He'd been carrying the pink fish around all day and settled between the boyfriend's legs for a nap. His head's pressed firmly against the blanket box and, well it's obvious he's been practicing. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter every day.
... or maybe I'm just smitten.
Next up, the Peacock:
The Martian lake cow Leaf Lace shawl is cast off, ends woven in and awaiting its turn at blocking. Pictures tomorrow as the shawl participates in the blocking competition.
Third, the UFOlympics:

I am getting a very late start on this event. The pieces went with me to Tucson over the weekend and quite a bit of progress was made. I sewed in all the ends and stitched the tops of the shoulders together. When I started trying to set in the sleeves I realized why the resources I referenced
Near as I can tell, it is still
And last, but not least, the Knitting Olympics:
I am entered on the official Knitting Olympics list of participants thus: "bethieee - socks"
Look, a picture:
Two socks that did not exist 14 days ago. I have triumphed!
Now for the question I've been asking throughout the games: What's wrong with this picture?
That's right, two left feet!
Not quite true as the socks are not actually shaped, but they are socks from two distinctly different pairs (note the two partially used balls of yarn lurking near the edges of the picture) so they might as well both be the left ones. This is my punishment for not swatching enough. I did swatch, really I did. I swatched on 1.5's and 1's and decided that my gauge on the 1's (the suggested needle size) was close enough and that I would proceed with the suggested needles. I had not, in fact, made gauge. I had merely come close and not actually close enough. The first sock, the larger one towards the bottom of the picture, is loose on me. The dimensions I get when I measure my feet are larger than those provided by my sock pal. When I realized the significance of this problem, I swatched some more. Turns out I needed to use size 0 needles to actually achieve the pattern gauge. So the second sock was done with needles smaller than those called for in the pattern and the sock is too small for me in all the right places.
The third and fourth socks will be knit after the Olympics are over and my wrists decide to start being civil again. They are of the opinion that I've been doing far too much knitting with tiny needles of late. They are right. I am now, officially on a sock sabbatical having reached my olympic goal. As a side effect of my Olympic knitting, I have fallen madly in love with Nancy Bush's sock patterns. There will be many more of them in my future. Here's hoping I have learned my lesson and will proceed at a more leisurely pace.
... yeah, right...
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